IHE Test & Management Tools
  1. IHE Test & Management Tools


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Steve MooreSteve Moore
c53341cca46Deleted pageTemplate.xhtml
Steve MooreSteve Moore
d1f236dcfbaDeleted IHE-PrimeFaces-Hello-World-00.xhtml
Steve MooreSteve Moore
33861ec8f04Lots of changes to get a working version.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
bdfc865c730index.jsp is the default entry if someone just enters the app name andnot the full link to the jsf item.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
9f8942182bdIHE-PrimeFaces-Hello-World.xhtml is the main xhtml page to enter thisapplication.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
c15476debbcpom.xml describes the set of dependencies on jar files to build thisapplication; initial commit
Steve MooreSteve Moore
50436a650f3The .html was the wrong extension.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
4b98b174f97Hello-World main page with proper file extension.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
Steve MooreSteve Moore
6f937c2996dThis is the proper name with extension (.xhtml) for the main page.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
de947f8c6a2Two web.xml and one README.txt in the profiles folder to support the build process.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
cd0277c8ba4Update with the simple example from http://courses.coreservlets.com
Steve MooreSteve Moore
ec49e9f6ef9Update with proper information for the PrimeFaces software. Had sometypos and some items that were just incorrect.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
55abf4b068bREADME.txt files to force git to create the folders wherethey live.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
c26f2092258Initial version of these files to build the Hello World 00 example.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
210dd3fd4b0Initial version of pom.xml used to control maven build.