IHE Test & Management Tools
  1. IHE Test & Management Tools


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Steve MooreSteve Moore
18e1d2a2ea9X.java was a placeholder to have a first class defined witha class path. We now have real classes and do not need this.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
e0da9f97053Add behavior to show the set of email addresses when the user selects aperson.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
5ddc29abbf9Add a static select string for retrieving rows from the select_viewview. Add a static string to return the ID of the past person inserted in the database.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
6da5d8d588cFix internal documentation. Some of the comments still referred to oldersoftware that was the source for copy/paste.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
e7dbb930e2bEmailView object corresponds to the email_view view in the database.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
17062817f9fSessionBean.java manages events and variables that are in scope for auser's session. This is not the same as a user being logged in.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
17e9ba1fc0cUpdates for other packages needed for Ralph's database methods.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
be62e9103d1Set of properties for this application (dev profile)
Steve MooreSteve Moore
bc2f19b3a75properties file for log4j system.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
e828ff69935Remove the simple X/Y display and add a table of people from the persontable.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
0ec62ff1b6aUtility classes for database operations, file operations and generalsupport.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
523c477399fBean defined with session level scope.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
5edcfb83689Bean defined with application level scope.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
2fc856db627Bean represents one row in the person database.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
e49e34454d5Add another column to the header table to separate the icon from thetext that desribes this page.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
7da4e1f8ea7This is the image used as the icon for WUSM.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
a0a9efe2f18Files to create and populate test database for thisdemonstration application.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
281e977a662Change the welcome file to index.jsp.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
9176efcf308change the initial file to index.jsp
Steve MooreSteve Moore
bd9253aa5a0Removed these files not needed for IHE testing. Mostwere NCI files.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
07350a70bbcComment out some rows in our test table that were causing run timeerrors.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
c0144469392Remove TCIA references and only have IHE references.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
b92711c473eihe-logo-2014.png is the logo for IHE as of 2014.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
36aef899988Repair the welcome page to index.jsp from index.html.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
107c4573c3dRenamed from original version.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
5acdb17891dAdd a java package command to make the class match package.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
8bfdb7de91eREADME.txt file to force git to include folder in tree.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
d7d603be256.project file describes project for Eclipse.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
985a398e12c.gitignore file tells git what to ignore for commits.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
a9e01b40618Initial commit of web.xml for Production build.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
daf31cef50eWeb.xml file initial commit for development build.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
73ac835e637This is a dummy class to just get the path created in thegit repository. It will be deleted.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
c5ac9686630Initial versions of files copied from a different project.Many will be deleted. Those that remain will be edited to match this project.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
e6dafddaaa5Updated internal name from PullFromDatabase to SelectFromDatabase.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
93b97136d53Initial version of pom.xml tells maven about building this application.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
98c0486dfa1The initial commit of README.txt explains the purpose of this repository.