The Cancer Imaging Archive
  1. The Cancer Imaging Archive


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Steve MooreSteve Moore
e92515ca394These are pages in the secure folder because they are managementfunctions.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
0d9b7057351These are the pages available for public viewing. They were moved tothis folder so we would protect other pages with a login requirement.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
779b4de911bRemoved because they were moved to the public folder.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
75ac96bdb63.jsp file to redirect from default area to real work. This is probablygoing to go away.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
de62a4fb030Files with CTP scripts based on the manufacturer and modality type.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
74cdfea3578Cosmetic change in the file; no structural change.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
6ab73763dabThis is a version of the user interface that is on a par with theexisting production system.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
901697e567bThis is a working version of the page on a par with the existingproduction version.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
eb82774f03fAdd a number of variables and methods to support the user interfacewidgets:
Steve MooreSteve Moore
3e44e6ae41bAdd methods: public String selectOneCell(String tableName, String columnName, String whereClause) public Vector<DeviceSignatureView> selectDeviceSignatureViewView(String modality, String manufacturer, String model, String softwareVersion) Repair two methods where I forgot to return the computed output.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
76ee7175f3fThis version has the user interface and back end code needed to searchfor private elements and list the documents associated with them. Next task is to work on device signature lookup.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
7e46b5860f0Minor changes in look in preparation for listing the query results. Nextstep is to actually complete the output look and implement the search in the database.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
2206e68f6b1Start to use the database to populate the fields in the pulldown menusrather than hardcoding. That part is done. Next step is to actually run the query and populate results.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
35d2ef78099Interface to the database with the usual/simple operations (CRUD)+ Create + Read + Update + Delete
Steve MooreSteve Moore
6311589ca7cInitial commit: These are the domain objects that correspond to tablesand views in the database.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
9f9057d17eaAdd dependency for PostgreSQL
Steve MooreSteve Moore
13881f95b42Now have a secondary HTML page that allows the user to enter some searchcriteria. This fires an event where our listener can read the criteria. The search is ready to be written.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
e436042d305Trying to get the Prime Faces widget to feed back into this java bean.No luck yet.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
c89a3eb5067Trying to get the modality menu to feed back into the java been. No luckyet.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
eb6122be843KnowledgeBaseSearchBean is the bean that holds variables for the webinterface and provides some business logic.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
5c81d7cc7b2Update the menu selector to use backend java code (works in progress)
Steve MooreSteve Moore
f3aa8ed7d8cAdded simple code to let the user select/start different types ofoperations (search for devices, search for CTP scripts, search for private elements).
Steve MooreSteve Moore
f5de9629cceInitial commit: privateElementLookup.xhtml will contain the GUI forsomeone to search for private elements.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
b87b32392f8Initial commit: lookupDeviceSignatures.xhtml will contain the GUI forsomeone to search for scanners by their signatures.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
c139d0bdb13Initial commit: generateCTPScripts.xhtml will contain the GUI forsomeone to search for and generate CTP scripts.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
1b049ebad3cSkeleton version of the application. This version just gets thestructure correct with a header and footer. The application does nothing at this point.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
187cf900b6aInitial commit: javascript code used in the application footer.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
52c48a4daa1Initial commit: mainTemplate.xhtml contains outline of the application.It references the header and footer files. The application author needs to provide the content in a different file.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
aef4a81bb71Initial commit: header.xhtml contains the repeated content that is theheader for the application.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
160c5df1fc7Initial commit: footer.xhtml contains the repeated content that is thefooter for the application.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
07279c4855eImages/icons that are used in the header and footer.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
991050b1cb0Repair names in the file that referred to older projects. This was acopy from a prior example.
Steve MooreSteve Moore
ca1289b55beInitial version of this project and the files needed to buildthe most simple web page. This is intended to get the files into the repository. The next step is to clone the repository and start working through eclipse.