1. OpenXIP


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
XIP AdministratorXIP Administrator
53e83493408Fix git link and add installer link in
XIP AdministratorXIP Administrator
eb3fd064f7dFix typo in
XIP AdministratorXIP Administrator
5582ad7af26Add the, NOTICE.txt, and files.
3d0416ca73bAdd Header and License information to Java files.Signed-off-by: Yashodhan Tabib <>
XIP AdministratorXIP Administrator
cc7d8fac2beAdd gitignore and new license file
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
071a9de7a16Changed time displayed as processing time in XIPAppLazyRetrieve_Mac from 30s to 15s.SVN-Revision: 1211
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
03d3a1e1489Modified bringToFront() method in XIPAppLazyRetrieveTest class. This modification removed "frame maximize" effect after side tabs are switched between Host and hosted application.SVN-Revision: 1126
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
4ff586fc7d0Modified sample applications (XIPAppLazyRetrieveTest, XIPApplication_WashU_3, XIPAppNativeModel) and removed getClientToHost().notifyStateChanged(State.IDLE) from setState() method when new requested State is CANCELED. The assumption made is that Host should instruct hosted application to what State should change, certainly after CANCEL. Application is allowed to initially set State to IDLE, so...SVN-Revision: 981
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
1c3490c8128Added new file to XIPApp.SVN-Revision: 973
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
ac7d965c487Modified XIPAppLazyRetrieveTest to be Mac OS X compatible. Application JFrame is set to undecorated (the same as for Windows).SVN-Revision: 972
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
fd057c1baa8Added setUndecorated(true) for Mac OS X to XIPApplicationFrameNativeModel.javaSVN-Revision: 971
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
210e43d65dcAdded new bringToFrontImpl() method to XIPAppNativeModel.SVN-Revision: 970
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
938a1fc5eaaRemoved and files from edu/wustl/xipApplication/samples. These files were shell executable files for Linux. They were replaced by the new shell files for the Mac OS X.SVN-Revision: 965
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
737c7bd06abAdded new bringToFrontImpl() method to XIPApplication_WashU_3.SVN-Revision: 964
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
47061480fb3Added and shell executable file to the XIPApp.SVN-Revision: 963
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
286550cc5baModified XIPApplicationFrame class to use undecorated Frame when launching hosted applications under Windows and Mac OS X systems.SVN-Revision: 962
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
9e51ed944d6Modified notifyDataAvailable method of ApplicationImpl class found in wg23 package of XIPApp. Modifications are logging related.SVN-Revision: 840
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
474fd6c3dc3Added modifications to XIPHostedApplicationSAIC. Process of setting State was modified to be run not in a separate thread but the main Application thread. SVN-Revision: 839
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
b7801a5bb1cModified XIPHostedApplicationSAIC bat file to properly set application classpath.SVN-Revision: 608
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
9c1c39d1348Removed System.out.println statement from XIPHostedApplicationSAIC.SVN-Revision: 600
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
61097db568fChanged L&F of XIPHostedApplicationSAIC. Modified setState() to include internal Runnable(). Boolean value - result of the setState() will be returned asynchronously.SVN-Revision: 588
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
0932efa1aa6Added XIPHostedApplicationSAIC src and bat files to be used in testing with web services (Tomcat) based Host.SVN-Revision: 580
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
4154d9ab9dcModified text area output format of the the XIPAppLazyRetrieveTest to make it more readable.SVN-Revision: 506
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
b1742ecc6bdAdded logging, displaying pointers to the files passed from the Host. SVN-Revision: 505
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
212607d3b5cModified notifyDataAvailable of XIPAppLazyRetrieveTest class. New method simulates analysis process for 10s and initiates state changes, including notifying Host about state changes.SVN-Revision: 492
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
c36a4d0b6d5Modified bringToFrong, notifyDataAvailable and setState of the XIPAppLazyretrieveTest application.SVN-Revision: 476
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
73d9ee47012Modified RECIST and RECISTFollowUpAdjudicator applications to include getState() method, part of WG23Listener.SVN-Revision: 475
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
c28db2390efAdded getState() method to WG23Listener found in the XIPApp project.SVN-Revision: 474
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
e7916b6fa0eModified XIPAppLazyretrieveTest display area. Changed batch sh to bat.SVN-Revision: 469
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
e94f662ea6eAdded XIPAppLazyRetrieveTest application and its batch file to the samples package.SVN-Revision: 468
Local Imp AdministratorLocal Imp Administrator
12980d7619dMMerging the TCGA XIP App branch back into the trunk.SVN-Revision: 286
Local Imp AdministratorLocal Imp Administrator
20dee99eba6Merged from trunk into TCGA XIP App in preparartion for a merge back.SVN-Revision: 285
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
08257f206c2Modified AIM marshaller to include schemaLocation.SVN-Revision: 204
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
bd8b7aeec5bFirst comment line changes (year). No code changes.SVN-Revision: 181
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
dff8288aea2Added new AIM 2.0 schema to gme package.SVN-Revision: 180
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
0042ef952bfAimParser and AimSerializer modified to be compatibile with AIM 2.0 SVN-Revision: 179
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
96f51699dc1Modified gme/cacore_cacore/_3_2_edu_nothwestern_radiology package to contain AIM 2.0 Java wrapper classes. SVN-Revision: 178
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
74edc4931dcNo code changes were made to the file.SVN-Revision: 177
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
0c9c8a64a1bModified gme/cacore_cacore/_3_2_edu_nothwestern_radiology package to contain AIM 2.0 Java wrapper classes. SVN-Revision: 176
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
7c29a925734Modified gme/cacore_cacore/_3_2_edu_nothwestern_radiology package to contain AIM 2.0 Java wrapper classes. SVN-Revision: 175
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
95fe1cb221cCreated new directory to contain XIPApp JUnit tests.SVN-Revision: 174
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
54a9ee8fbe4MInitial branch copy made of revision 161 of XIPApp to accomodate changes geared towards TCGA.SVN-Revision: 173
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
edeac57834bBranch directory for XIPApp geared towards TCGASVN-Revision: 167
Local Imp AdministratorLocal Imp Administrator
b846d78eabdMinor code cleanups, primarily to move the disable background erase directly into the ivCanvas class to simplify life for application developers (i.e., they do not need to worry about doing it as ivCanvas will do it for them).SVN-Revision: 161
Local Imp AdministratorLocal Imp Administrator
fa8b0c559d1Second attempt at resolving the grey box wiping out the image display problemSVN-Revision: 160
Local Imp AdministratorLocal Imp Administrator
fec4856be95First attempt at reorganizing the RECIST demo code to insure that all Swing calls are made from the Swing event dispatch thread.SVN-Revision: 159
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
293677fcd35DicomUtil.jar added. It contains MIME checker and basic Dicom parser.SVN-Revision: 123
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
1dbed3c223bNew ApplicationDataManager interface was added to XIP Application to setOutputData(...) and getOutputData(...). Getter is my ApplicationImpl to get a list of ObjectLocators from WG23DataModel.Hard-coded RECISTManager was removed from ApplicationImpl. setOutputData(...) and getOutputData(...) were removed from RECISTManager. RECISTFollowUpAdjudicator was modified to setOutputData(...) on ApplicationDataManager instead RECISTManager. SVN-Revision: 121
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
a6b2cb7232eNo code changes.SVN-Revision: 107
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
1b1e1cd15e8AIM_v1_rv9 xsd schema added.SVN-Revision: 106