1. OpenXIP


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
XIP AdministratorXIP Administrator
9227a78fa12Fix git link in
XIP AdministratorXIP Administrator
7598784141fDrop old license file, add, NOTICE.txt, and files.
411b69b9519Add Header and License information to Java files.Signed-off-by: Yashodhan Tabib <>
XIP AdministratorXIP Administrator
40b845e6830Add gitignore and new license file
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
3489661fe49Modified Eclipse .project and .classpath config file.SVN-Revision: 1158
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
9ed3dbdf650Modified Ant build.xml file for XIPHostService project.SVN-Revision: 1157
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
0d05c498263Modified TargetIteratorRunner logger in log4j.xml config file.SVN-Revision: 838
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
06b3f116006Modified build.xml file. Task to delete war file was added to "clean" target. SVN-Revision: 837
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
d6929c3f359Updated SOA_Analysis UML diagram.SVN-Revision: 836
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
8ce15df2733Added new logging statements to WorklistImpl class in XIPHostService.SVN-Revision: 835
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
18ac045f761Added new logging statements to TargetIteratorRunner class in iterator package of XIPHostService.SVN-Revision: 834
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
1878b726821Added code containing new grid QueryModifier to GridUtil. New added code is commented.SVN-Revision: 833
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
c8424ae255dChange the queryName from Grid to AVT in Application class.SVN-Revision: 832
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
f8be5009eefAdded new TargetIterator_Appender to log4j.xml config file.SVN-Revision: 654
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
f365d37fe04Modified updatePatient(), updateStudy(), updateSeries() of the TargetIteratorRunner class to include original DICOM criteria when formulating new query statements.SVN-Revision: 653
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
22b9454ca86Added logging statements to Criteria class of the iterator package.SVN-Revision: 652
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
95fbeeda75dMoved toDicomHex() from GridUtil and Util of dataAccess.SVN-Revision: 651
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
bc9f94c7d68Added conversion of QueryTarget to CQLTargetName in GridQuery class.SVN-Revision: 650
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
65a5b3eedbfModified GridLocation value. Value is hard coded.SVN-Revision: 649
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
64c13645111Updated SOA_Analysys UML component diagram.SVN-Revision: 648
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
04b2c419967Modified GridUtil logging statements. Added time stamps setting to convertCQLIteratorToSearchResult() method.SVN-Revision: 647
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
1e4b2b5c772Modified GridQuery to implement new generic Query interface. Provided implementations for new interface methods plus modified run() method. SVN-Revision: 646
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
2ba61ab30a8Modified logging in AVTUtil. Logging is now delegated to new static method of Util class found in dataAccess package.SVN-Revision: 645
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
d27aae1544bCreated new Util class in dataAccess package. This class contains searchResultsToLog static method that is reusable across different data sources.SVN-Revision: 644
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
aba7cf39cf5Removed axis-1.4.jar from AVT lib folder. This jar was in conflict with NCIA and caGrid requirements. It caused exception when run on a web server where jars are placed in WEB-INF/lib folder.SVN-Revision: 643
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
bee01489a73Added SOA_Analysis UML component diagram. SVN-Revision: 642
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
a92dda0a9f0Added new Grid_Apennder and Grid related loggers to log4j.xml file.SVN-Revision: 641
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
3d6c47ee4c9Modified build.xml file to copy NCIA properties files to build directory for the further deployment to the webapps.SVN-Revision: 640
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
8d872a45edcModified grid query to implement and use new generic interface and classes from dataAccess package. Refactored constructor to make provisions to make it compatibile with the TargetIterator.SVN-Revision: 639
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
16ac519ef6fModified GridUtil convertToCQLStatement() method. Added new method toDicomHex().SVN-Revision: 638
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
53cbf85b900Enhanced Application class to initiate new GridQuery plus handle GridQuery notifications in addition to AVTQuery notifications.SVN-Revision: 637
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
c9313751e75Modified references to the classes moved to the new iterator package plus added references to the classes contained in dataAccess package.SVN-Revision: 636
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
2d6d0018807Removed Query class from avt2ext package. This class was replaced with Query class in dataAccess package.SVN-Revision: 635
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
370c4c6c7faAdded new dataAccess package to the Host Service. This package contain generic classes pertaining to query and retrieve operations of a data source. Each data source will be refactored to implement and use the components from this package.SVN-Revision: 634
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
e51503f0d59Extracted iterator package from AVT2EXT. 'iterator' package is meant to create a set of generic classes related to TargetIterator to be used with all data sources and not only AVT.SVN-Revision: 633
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
8c588310df3Added NCIAModelHierarchy and NCIAModelMap properties files to resources folder of the Host Service.SVN-Revision: 632
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
83a7b97a031Added new Ant target "lightDeploy" to build.xml file. This new target is meant to create web application structure but deploy only classes and web application related config files. Target does not deploy libraries to avoid lengthy process of coping files to the server directory. It assumes jars would be present in webapps directory.SVN-Revision: 630
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
d5c6640c5f6Modified Component UML diagram.SVN-Revision: 629
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
685ee156395Added high level component UML diagram, depicting software components dependencies in a new XIP configuration with web application server.SVN-Revision: 628
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
948b85ef506Modified build.xml file to include new NBIA and NBIAext libraries. SVN-Revision: 627
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
8d973c0708aModified Eclipse classpath configuration.SVN-Revision: 626
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
a2369e5d1b1Committed fourth and the last part of NBIA libraries.SVN-Revision: 625
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
a918d318ba0Committed third part of NBIA libraries.SVN-Revision: 624
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
7a4c5ef3207Added second part of NBIA libraries.SVN-Revision: 623
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
cb717778fb1Added first part of NBIA libraries to Host Service.SVN-Revision: 622
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
28e5a49f940Added caGrid package to Host Service.SVN-Revision: 621
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
8750d17d4baAdded NBIAext library.SVN-Revision: 620
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
5869dd60d72Modified HostImpl for Host service to getDefaultApplication from ApplicationManager.SVN-Revision: 619
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
a99a109d9f2Modified addWorklistEntry() method of WorklistImpl to setDefaultApplication(). Host service is at this point capable of working with one application at the time, but once fist application is terminated, different application may be launched and serviced.SVN-Revision: 618
Jarek KrychJarek Krych
de9a974aef9Added getDefaultApplication() and setDefaultApplication() methods to ApplicationManager interface.SVN-Revision: 617